CFA offers workshops, consultation, support and information for parents wishing to expand their knowledge and improve the quality of the relationships in their lives. Parenting is incredibly hard work and parents are often faced with situations where it is difficult to know what to do. No matter how clever, organized, prepared or caring you are, parenting will test your resources, reserves and will. The delightful baby you dreamed of can simultaneously fill you with joy and make you question everything you ever thought you knew.

CFA also offers personal therapy for relationship issues throughout the lifespan, from struggles with infancy and toddlerhood, through to adolescence and our relationships with partners and our own parents. For more information, visit the "Therapy" section of our website (under the main menu).

“CFA is my voice of reason and confidence when it comes to understanding sound, healthy practices in parenting today.”

Karen Palmer, Midwife and IBCLC
Breastfeeding Services Coordinator, Health Waikato

We believe that to be the best parent you can be, you need good support and good information. Many commonly prescribed parenting strategies are now challenged or discredited, as they have been proven to do more harm than good. Yet many parents are still given outdated information. CFA offers an accessible framework of understanding that is based on current scientific evidence and decades of research. Our understanding of babies, children and families incorporates fundamental principles of bonding and attachment, how learning occurs, how healthy relationships are formed, how brains develop and how people grow from tiny 8-pound wonders into successful and happy adults. A secure attachment relationship is the most precious gift you can give to your children. To help you achieve it, we build upon your life experiences, skills and parenting style to expand your knowledge base, increase your confidence and give you the best foundation for joyful and satisfying relationships with your children.

Topics CFA addresses and teaches include:

  • Infant sleep
  • Feeding choices
  • Emotional development
  • My baby’s brain
  • Bonding with my baby
  • Toddlers: Challenges and triumphs
  • Discipline
  • The components of a healthy parent-child relationship

A sample of experiential workshop and classes include:

  • 10 Things About Parenting that Will Change Your Life
    (If You Let Them)
  • Follow Your Baby: Deepening Your Relationship with Your Child

If you are interested in discussing possible training or consultation, or would like more information about the services we provide to parents, please Contact Us.